a new critical text based on an examination of the original MS
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last updated on 15-June-2005

Hroðgar maþelode     he to healle geon(g)
stod on stapole    geseah steapne hrof 926
golde fahne.    ond grendles hond.
ðisse ansyne    alwealdan þanc
lungre gelimpe    fela ic laþes gebad
grynna æt grendle.    a mæg god wyrcan
wunder æfter wundre     wuldres hyrde. 931
ðæt wæs ungeara     þ ic ænigra me
weana ne wende    to widan feore
bote gebidan    (þonne blode fah
husa selest    heorodreorig stod
wea widscofen)    witena gehwylcne. 936
ðara þe ne wendon    þæt hie wideferhð
leoda landgeweorc    laþum beweredon.
/ scuccum 7 scinnum    nu scealc hafað 150v
þurh drihtnes miht    dæd gefremede.
ðe we ealle    (ær) ne meahton 941
snyttrum besyrwan    hwæt (þ s)ecgan mæg
efne swa hwylc mægþa    swa ðone magan cende.
æfter gumcynnum     gyf heo gyt lyfað
þ hyre ealdmetod    este wære.
bearngebyrdo    nu ic beowulf þec 946
secg bet{o}sta    me for sunu wylle
freogan on ferhþe     heald forð tela.
niwe sibbe    ne bið þe ænigre gad
worolde wilna    þe ic geweald hæbbe
ful oft ic for læssan    lean teohhode 951
hordweorþunge    hnahran rince
sæmran æt sæcce     þu þe self hafast.
dædum gefremed    þ þin <dom> lyfað
awa to aldre    alwalda þec
gode forgylde    swa he nu gyt dyde. 956
beowulf maþelode     bearn ec{g}þeowes
we þ ellenweorc    estum miclum
feohtan fremedon    frecne geneðdon.
eafoð uncuþes     uþe ic swiþor
þ ðu hine selfne    geseon moste 961
feond on frætewum    fylwerigne.
ic him hrædlice    / heardan clammum 151r
on wælbedde    wriþan þohte
þ he for handgripe     minum scolde
licgean lifbysig    butan his lic swice. 966
ic hine ne mihte    þa metod nolde
gange(s) getwæman     no ic him þæs georne ætfealh
feorhgeniðlan    wæs to foremi(htig)
feond on feþe    hwæþere he his folme f(or)let
to lifwraþe    last weardian 971
earm 7 (eax)le    no þær ænige swa þeah
feasceaft (gu)ma    frofre gebohte.
no þy leng leof(að)    laðgeteona
synnum geswenced    ac hyne sár hafað
in {nið}gripe    nearwe befongen 976
balwon bendum    ðær abidan sceal
maga mane fah    miclan domes
hu him scir metod    scrifan wille.
ða wæs swigra secg     sunu ec{g}lafes
on gylpspræce    guðgeweorca 981
siþðan æþelingas    eorles cræfte
ofer heanne hrof    hand sceawedon
feondes fingras    foran æghwylc wæs
steda nægla gehwylc     style gelicost
hæþenes handsporu    hilde/rinces 986 151v
egl unheoru    æghwylc gecwæð
þ him heardra nan    hrinan wolde
iren ærgod þ     ðæs ahlæcan
blodge beadufolme    (o)nberan wolde.