diacritically-marked text and facing translation

Images of the Beowulf MS are reproduced by kind permission of the British Library Board (who retain copyright)
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last updated on 15-June-2005

(click on the 'lyre icon' [ sydaudio ] to listen to a reading of selected passages in Old English)



Ðá wæs háten hreþe      Heort innanweard


Then the order was promptly given      the interior of Heorot
folmum gefrætwod·      fela þaéra wæs


to furnish by hands;      many there were,
wera ond wífa      þe þæt wínreced


of men and women,      who the wine-hall,
gestsele gyredon·      goldfág scinon


the guest-hall prepared;      gold-glittering shone
web æfter wágum      wundorsíona fela


woven tapestries along the walls,      many wondrous sights
secga gehwylcum      þára þe on swylc starað·


for each of the men,      who on such stared;

wæs þæt beorhte bold      tóbrocen swíðe


that bright building was      badly broken up
eal inneweard      írenbendum fæst,


all inside      secure with iron-bands,
heorras tóhlidene·      hróf ána genæs


hinges sprung open;      the roof alone remained
ealles ansund      þé se áglaéca


entirely sound,      when the ogre,
fyrendaédum fág      on fléam gewand


guilty of wicked deeds      turned in flight,
aldres orwéna.      Nó þæt ýðe byð


despairing of life.      That is not easy
to befléönne      --fremme sé þe wille--


to flee from      --try he who will--
ac gesacan sceal      sáwlberendra


but he must gain by strife,      those who have souls,
nýde genýdde,      niþða bearna


compelled by necessity,      the mens' sons',
grundbúendra      gearwe stówe


the ground-dwellers'      ready place,
þaér his líchoma      legerbedde fæst


there his body,      fast in his death-bed,
swefeþ æfter symle.      Þá wæs saél ond maél


sleeps after feasting.      Then it was the time and occasion
þæt tó healle gang      Healfdenes sunu·


that to the hall went      Half-Dane's son;
wolde self cyning      symbel þicgan·


the king himself wished      to partake of the feast;
ne gefrægen ic þá maégþe      máran weorode


I have not heard when a tribe      in a greater force
ymb hyra sincgyfan      sél gebaéran·


around their treasure-giver      comported themselves better;
bugon þá tó bence      blaédágande


they then sank down on the bench,      the fame-bearers,
fylle gefaégon·      fægere geþaégon


rejoicing at the feast;      they graciously received
medoful manig      mágas þára


many full goblets of mead,      their kinsmen,
swíðhicgende      on sele þám héan


stout-hearted,      in the high hall
Hróðgár ond Hróþulf·      Heorot innan wæs


Hrothgar and Hrothulf·      the interior of Heorot was
fréondum áfylled·      nalles fácenstafas


filled with friends;      no treacherous-strokes
Þéod-Scyldingas      þenden fremedon.


the Folk-Scyldings      made as yet.
Forgeaf þá Béowulfe      brand Healfdenes


Then Beowulf was given      the brand of Half-Dane,
segen gyldenne      sigores tó léane


the golden banner      in reward of victory,
hroden hiltecumbor,      helm ond byrnan·


the adorned standard,      helm and byrnie;
maére máðþumsweord      manige gesáwon


the renowned treasure-sword      many saw
beforan beorn beran·      Béowulf geþah


brought before the hero;      Beowulf took
ful on flette·      nó hé þaére feohgyfte


the full flagon from the floor;      of the reward-gift he did not,
for scótenum      scamigan ðorfte·


as payment,      need to be ashamed;
ne gefrægn ic fréondlícor      féower mádmas


I have not heard that more graciously      four treasures,
golde gegyrede      gummanna fela


adorned with gold,      many men
in ealobence      óðrum gesellan·


on ale-bench      have given to others;
ymb þæs helmes hróf      héafodbeorge


around the helmet's roof      --the head-guard--
wírum bewunden      walan útan héold


was wound with wires      the re-inforced crest guarded from without,
þæt him féla láf      frécne ne meahton


that him what the files have left      could not savagely,
scúrheard sceþðan      þonne scyldfreca


(could not) harm the wondrously-tempered (helm),      when the shield-fighter
ongéan gramum      gangan scolde.


against enemies      had to go.
Heht ðá eorla hléo�      eahta méaras


The defender of earls then ordered      eight horses,
faétedhléore      on flet téön


with decorated head-gear,      led onto the hall-floor
in under eoderas·      þára ánum stód


in under the ramparts;      one of them stood,
sadol searwum fáh      since gewurþad·


saddle skilfully adorned,      ennobled with jewels;
þæt wæs hildesetl      héahcyninges


that was the battle-seat      of the high king,
ðonne sweorda gelác      sunu Healfdenes


when in sword-play      the son of Half-Dane
efnan wolde·      naéfre on óre læg


wished to engage;      in the vanguard it never failed
wídcúþes wíg      ðonne walu féollon·


his warskill well-known,      when the slain were falling;
ond ðá Béowulfe      béga gehwæþres


and then to Beowulf      both of the treasures
eodor Ingwina      onweald getéah


the protector of the Friends of Ing      bestowed possession,
wicga ond waépna·      hét hine wél brúcan·


horses and weapons;      he ordered him to make good use of (them);
swá manlíce      maére þéoden


so in a manly manner      the famed chieftain,
hordweard hæleþa      heaþoraésas geald


the hoard-ward of heroes,      paid for war-clashes
méarum ond mádmum      swá hý naéfre man lyhð


in horses and treasures;      thus, one can never find fault in them
sé þe secgan wile      sóð æfter rihte.


he who wishes to tell      the truth according to what is right.