diacritically-marked text and facing translation

Images of the Beowulf MS are reproduced by kind permission of the British Library Board (who retain copyright)
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last updated on 12-June-2005

(click on the 'lyre icon' [ sydaudio ] to listen to a reading of selected passages in Old English)



Gewát him ðá se hearda    mid his hondscole


Then the hardy man went    with his hand-picked retinue
sylf æfter sande    saéwong tredan


himself along the sand    treading the sea-plain,
wíde waroðas·    woruldcandel scán


the wide strand;    the world-candle shone,
sigel súðan fús·    hí síð drugon·


the sun eagerly from the south;    they had survived the journey,
elne geéodon,    tó ðæs ðe eorla hléo


strode quickly,    to where the Shield of Heroes,
bonan Ongenþéoes    burgum in innan,


--the bane of Ongentheow--      inside his citadel,
geongne gúðcyning    gódne gefrúnon


the young war-king,    they heard (that there) the good man
hringas daélan.    Higeláce wæs


alloted rings.    To Hygelac was
síð Béowulfes    snúde gecýðed·


Beowulf's journey    promptly reported,
þæt ðaér on worðig     wígendra hléo


that there in enclosed homestead,    the defender of warriors,
lindgestealla    lifigende cwóm


shield-companion    (still) living came,
heaðoláces hál    tó hofe gongan·


from the war-play unharmed    going to to the court;
hraðe wæs gerýmed    swá se ríca bebéad


quickly was cleared,    as the king bade,
féðegestum    flet innanweard·


for the visitors on foot    the floor within;
gesæt þá wið sylfne     sé ðá sæcce genæs,


then he sat down with the same man,    he who had survived the fight,
maég wið maége    syððan mandryhten


kinsman with kinsman,    after the liege-lord
þurh hléoðorcwyde    holdne gegrétte


through ceremonious speech    his loyal subject had greeted,
méaglum wordum    meoduscencum


in emphatic words,    mead-draughts
hwearf geond þæt síde reced    Hæreðes dohtor


passed round through that spacious room    Haereth's daughter,
lufode ðá léode·    liðwaége bær


--she loved the people--    bore goblets
haéum tó handa.    Higelác ongan


to the hands of the illustrious ones.    Hygelac began
sínne geseldan    in sele þám héan


his hall-companion     in that high hall
fægre fricgcean·    hyne fyrwet bræc


to question courteously,    his curiosity burst forth,
hwylce Saé-Géata    síðas waéron:


whatever the Sea-Geats'    adventures were:
'Hú lomp éow on láde,     léofa Bíowulf,


'How fared you on the way,    dear Beowulf,
þá ðú faéringa    feorr gehogodest


when you suddenly    resolved far away
sæcce sécean    ofer sealt wæter


to seek conflict    over the salt water,
hilde tó Hiorote?    Ac ðú Hróðgáre


combat in Heorot?    Moreover, did you Hrothgar's
wídcúðne wéan    wihte gebéttest


widely known woes    at all ameliorate,
maérum ðéodne?    Ic ðæs módceare


for the famed chieftain?    I of this with anxious care of the heart
sorhwylmum séað·    síðe ne trúwode


seethed with wellings of sorrow,    I did not trust the venture
léofes mannes·    ic ðé lange bæd


of my dear man;    I begged you at length,
þæt ðú þone wælgaést    wihte ne grétte·


that you the slaughter-ghast    would not challenge at all,
léte Súð-Dene    sylfe geweorðan


let the South-Danes    settle themselves
gúðe wið Grendel·    gode ic þanc secge


the war with Grendel;    to God I speak thanks,
þæs ðe ic ðé gesundne     geséon móste.'


for that I you sound    am permitted to see.'
Bíowulf maðelode    bearn Ecgðíoes:


Beowulf spoke,    the son of Edgetheow:
'Þæt is undyrne,    dryhten Higelác,


'It is not secret,    lord Hygelac,
micel geméting    monegum fíra·


that great meeting,    to many men,
hwylc orleghwíl    uncer Grendles


what a time of struggle    between the two of us, me and Grendel,
wearð on ðám wange    þaér hé worna fela


occurred in that place    where he great multitudes
Sige-Scyldingum    sorge gefremede


for the Victory-Scyldings    brought about sorrows,
yrmðe tó aldre·    ic ðæt eall gewræc


lifelong misery;    I avenged it all,
swá begylpan þearf    Grendeles mága


thus there is need to boast    --of Grendel's kinsmen,
yfel ofer eorðan    úhthlem þone


evil upon the earth--    of that clash at dawn,
sé ðe lengest leofað    láðan cynnes


he who lives the longest    of that hateful race,
fáecne bifongen.    Ic ðaér furðum cwóm


enveloped in malice.    I first came there
tó ðám hringsele    Hróðgár grétan·


to that ring-hall    to greet Hrothgar;
sóna mé se maéra    mago Healfdenes


straightaway to me the famed    kinsman of Half-Dane,
syððan hé módsefan    mínne cúðe


after he the purpose of the heart    of mine knew,
wið his sylfes sunu    setl getaéhte·


with his own sons    he appointed a seat;
weorod wæs on wynne·    ne seah ic wídan feorh


The troop was joyful;    I have not seen in my whole life
under heofones hwealf    healsittendra


under heaven's vault    a hall-sitters'
medudréam máran.    Hwílum maéru cwén


mead-revelry greater.    At times the renowned queen,
friðusibb folca    flet eall geondhwearf·


the peace-pledge of peoples,    passed over all of the floor,
bædde byre geonge·    oft hío béahwriðan


urged on the young boys;    often twisted-rings she
secge sealde    aér híe tó setle géong·


gave to the warriors,    before she went to her seat;
hwílum for duguðe    dohtor Hróðgáres


from time to time before the band of experienced warriors     Hrothgar's daughter
eorlum on ende    ealuwaége bær


to nobles continuously to the end    bore the ale-flagon,
þá ic Fréaware    fletsittende


those I Freawaru    the ones on the floor
nemnan hýrde    þaér hío nægled sinc


I heard name her,    when she the studded cup
hæleðum sealde    Sío geháten is


gave to heroes,    she is promised,
geong goldhroden,    gladum suna Fródan·


young, gold-adorned,    to gracious son of Froda;
hafað þæs geworden    wine Scyldinga


this has arranged    the Friend of the Scyldings,
ríces hyrde    ond þæt raéd talað


the kingdom's shepherd,    and counsel reckons it
þæt hé mid ðý wífe     wælfaéhða daél


that he with this woman    a great part of the slaughter-feuds,
sæcca gesette.    Oft seldan hwaér


conflicts will settle.    Very seldom anywhere
æfter léodhryre    lýtle hwíle


after the fall of a leader    (even) a little while
bongár búgeð    þéah séo brýd duge.


the murderous spear bends down,    though the bride be good.
Mæg þæs þonne ofþyncan    ðéoden Heaðo-Beardna


This then may displease     the chief of the Heatho-Bards'
ond þegna gehwám    þára léoda


and every thane    of that people,
þonne hé mid faémnan    on flett gaëð:


when he with the maiden    walks on the floor:
dryhtbearn Dena    duguða biwenede,


that the noble sons of the Danes,    her veteran troop, are entertained,
on him gladiað    gomelra láfe


on them glisten    ancient heirlooms,
heard ond hringmaél    Heaða-Bearna gestréon


hard and ring-adorned,    the Heatho-Bards' treasure,
þenden híe ðám waépnum    wealdan móston.


so long as they those weapons    were able to wield.