diacritically-marked text and facing translation

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last updated on 15-June-2005

(click on the 'lyre icon' [ sydaudio ] to listen to a reading of selected passages in Old English)



Oð ðæt híe forlaéddan    tó ðám lindplegan


Until they had led to disaster    in the shield-play
swaése gesíðas    ond hyra sylfra feorh.


their dear companions    and their own lives.
Þonne cwið æt béore     sé ðe béahgesyhð


Then speaks at the beer-drinking,    he who sees a ring-precious object,
eald æscwiga    sé ðe eall geman


the old ash-warrior,    he who remembers all
gárcwealm gumena    --him bið grim sefa--


the spear-death of men    --in him is a fierce heart--
onginneð géomormód    geongum cempan


he begins sad-spirited    in a young champion,
þurh hreðra gehygd    higes cunnian,


by the musing of his heart,    to tempt his mind,
wígbealu weccean    ond þæt word ácwyð:


to awaken war-horror,    and speaks these words:
"Meaht ðú, mín wine,     méce gecnáwan


"Can you, my friend,     recognise that maiche,
þone þín fæder    tó gefeohte bær


which your father    bore into the fight,
under heregríman    hindeman síðe,


under his army-mask    on the last campaign,
dýre íren,    þaér hyne Dene slógon·


precious iron,    there the Danes slew him,
wéoldon wælstówe    syððan wiðergyld læg


controlled the slaying-field,    when retribution failed,
æfter hæleþa hryre    hwate Scyldungas?


after the heroes' fall,    the fierce Scyldings?
Nú hér þára banena    byre náthwylces


Now here of those slayers    the son of one or other of them,
frætwum hrémig    on flet gaëð·


exultant in trappings,    goes across the floor,
morðres gylpeð    ond þone máðþum byreð


boasts of murder,    and wears the treasure
þone þe ðú mid rihte    raédan sceoldest."


which you by right    ought to possess."
Manað swá ond myndgað     maéla gehwylce


Thus he incites and reminds     every time
sárum wordum    oð ðæt saél cymeð


with grievous words,    until that time comes
þæt se faémnan þegn    fore fæder daédum


that the woman's thane    for his father's deeds
æfter billes bite    blódfág swefeð


from the bite of a bill-blade    sleeps, stained in blood,
ealdres scyldig·    him se óðer þonan


having forfeited life;    him the other thence
losað lifigende·    con him land geare.


escapes alive,    the land is readily known to him.
Þonne bíoð brocene    on bá healfe


Then are broken    on both sides
áðsweorð eorla·    syððan Ingelde


the sworn oaths of earls;    then in Ingeld
weallað wælníðas    ond him wíflufan


murderous hate will well up     and in him the love of woman
æfter cearwælmum    cólran weorðað·


surges of grief    will become cooler;
þý ic Heaðo-Beardna    hyldo ne telge


Therefore I the Heathobards'    loyalty do not consider,
dryhtsibbe daél    Denum unfaécne,


the alliance's portion,    for the Danes untreacherous,
fréondscipe fæstne.    Ic sceal forð sprecan


enduring friendship.    I ought speak further
gén ymbe Grendel    þæt ðú geare cunne,


again about Grendel,    that you may readily know,
sinces brytta,    tó hwan syððan wearð


giver of treasure,    what then happened,
hondraés hæleða    syððan heofones gim


the hand-fight of heroes    when heaven's gem
glád ofer grundas    gaést yrre cwóm


had glided over the earth,    the ireful guest came,
eatol aéfengrom    úser néosan


terrible, fierce in the evening    to visit us,
ðaér wé gesunde    sæl weardodon


where we, unharmed,    warded the hall,
þaér wæs Hondsciö    hilde onsaége


where was for Hondscio    a sinking battle
feorhbealu faégum·    hé fyrmest læg


deadly evil for the doomed man;    he fell first,
gyrded cempa·    him Grendel wearð


the girded champion;    for him Grendel was,
maérum maguþegne    tó múðbonan·


the famed thane of distinction,    a slayer by mouth,
léofes mannes    líc eall forswealg·


the belovèd man's     body swallowed up completely;
nó ðý aér út ðá gén    ídelhende


not the sooner out yet    empty-handed,
bona blódigtóð    bealewa gemyndig


the slayer bloody-toothed,    wickedness in mind,
of ðám goldsele    gongan wolde


from the gold-hall    did he wish to go
ac hé mægnes róf    mín costode·


but he, famed for his strength,    tested me,
grápode gearofolm·     glóf hangode


gripped with an eager hand;    a pouch hung down
síd ond syllíc    searobendum fæst


spacious and strange,    with cleverly-wrought clasps held fast,
sío wæs orðoncum    eall gegyrwed


it was cunningly    all devised
déofles cræftum    ond dracan fellum·


with devil's crafts    and dragon's skins;
hé mec þaér on innan    unsynnigne


he me there inside,    guiltless,
díor daédfruma    gedón wolde


the daring instigator    wished to stuff,
manigra sumne·    hyt ne mihte swá


as one of many;    he could not do so,
syððan ic on yrre    upprihte ástód.


since I in anger    stood erect.
Tó lang ys tó reccenne    hú ic ðám léodsceaðan


It is too long to recount    how I the scourge of the people
yfla gehwylces    hondléan forgeald


for each of his evils    paid in hand-requital
þaér ic, þéoden mín,     þíne léode


where I, my lord,    your people
weorðode weorcum·    he on weg losade


honoured by acts;    he escaped away
lýtle hwíle    lífwynna bréac·


for a little while,    enjoyed the joy of life;
hwæþre him sío swíðre     swaðe weardade


yet from him the right,    a vestige, remained behind
hand on Hiorte    ond hé héan ðonan


hand in Heorot,    and he wretched thence,
módes geómor    meregrund geféoll.


gloomy in his heart,    sank into the depths of the mere.
Mé þone wælraés    wine Scildunga


To me for the bloody battle     the Friend of the Scyldings
faéttan golde    fela léanode


with objects of plated gold    in plenty rewarded,
manegum máðmum    syððan mergen cóm


many treasures,    when morning came,
ond wé tó symble    geseten hæfdon


and we to the feast    had sat down
þaér wæs gidd ond gléo:    gomela Scilding


where was song and glee:    old Scylding
felafricgende    feorran rehte·


who has heard tell of many things,    from long ago narrated;
hwílum hildedéor    hearpan wynne


at times this battle-daring one    the harp for pleasure
gomelwudu grétte·    hwílum gyd áwræc


the old-wood played;    sometimes recited a song,
sóð ond sárlíc·    hwílum syllíc spell


true and tragic;     sometimes strange tales
rehte æfter rihte    rúmheort cyning·


he related rightly,    the open-hearted king;
hwílum eft ongan    eldo gebunden


at times he began again,    bound in his age,
gomel gúðwiga    gioguðe cwíðan


the ancient war-soldier,    to mourn for his youth,
hildestrengo·    hreðer inne wéoll


his battle-strength;    his heart welled inside,
þonne hé wintrum fród,    worn gemunde.


when he, wise in winter,     recalled many things.
Swá wé þaér inne     andlangne dæg


So we there inside     a whole long day
níode náman    oð ðæt niht becwóm


took pleasure,    until came night
óðer tó yldum·    Þá wæs eft hraðe


another to men;    then was again swiftly
gearo gyrnwræce    Grendeles módor


ready for grief-revenge     Grendel's mother,
síðode sorhfull·    sunu déað fornam,


she journeyed full of sorrow;    Death had taken her son,
wíghete Wedra·    wíf unhýre


the war-hate of the Wederas;    the horrible woman
hyre bearn gewræc·    beorn ácwealde


avenged her child,    killed a warrior
ellenlíce·     þaér wæs Æschere


savagely;     there was from Æschere,
fródan fyrnwitan    feorh úðgenge.


the old, wise lore-counsellor,    life departed.
Nóðer hý hine ne móston     syððan mergen cwóm


Nor could they him,    when morning came,
déaðwérigne     Denia léode


weary of death    the Danish people
bronde forbærnan    né on baél hladan


cremate in fire,    nor lay on the funeral bale,
léofne mannan·    hío þæt líc ætbær


the beloved man;    she had carried off the corpse
féondes fæðme    under firgenstréam·


in fiend's embrace    beneath the mountain stream;
þæt wæs Hróðgáre     hréowa tornost


that was for Hrothgar    the most bitter grief
þára þe léodfruman    lange begéate.


which the ruler of the people    long had received.
Þá se ðéoden mec     ðíne lífe


Then me the chieftain,    by your life,
healsode hréohmód    þæt ic on holma geþring


implored with troubled mind,    that I in the waters' tumult
eorlscipe efnde·    ealdre genéðde·


perform a noble act,    risk life,
maérðo fremede·    hé mé méde gehét.


accomplish glory;    he promised me rewards.
Ic ðá ðæs wælmes    þé is wíde cúð


Then I the welling waters',    as is widely known,
grimme gryrelícne    grundhyrde fond·


wrathful ghastly    guard of the deep found;
þaér unc hwíle wæs    hand gemaéne·


there a while we were    sharing a hand;
holm heolfre wéoll    ond ic héafde becearf


the water welled with gore,    and I cut off the head
in ðám grundsele    Grendeles módor


in that deep-hall    of Grendel's mother
éacnum ecgum·    unsófte þonan


with mighty edges,    not easily thence
feorh oðferede·    næs ic faége þá gýt


I carried off my life;    I was not doomed yet
ac mé eorla hléo    eft gesealde


but to me the protector of heroes    again gave
máðma menigeo    maga Healfdenes.'


many treasures,    the kinsman of Half-Dane.'