Beowulf on Steorarume


Cáin, m., biblical person: first son of Adam & Eve, brother (and slayer) of Ábel; gs. Cáines (altered fr. cames), 107. [l. 1261 MS camp 'strife'(?) often emended to ns. Cáin]

camp, m.n., battle, fight, strife, contention;, 1261. [fr. Lat. campus]

can, see cunnan.

candel, f., candle, light; 1572 (rodores ~, 'sun') [fr. Lat. candela] -Cpd.: woruld-.

caru, see cearu.

ceald, adj., cold; apm. -e, 1261; supl. nsn. -ost, 546; paiful, pernicious, evil, dpm. -um, 2396. [Go. kalds, ON. kaldr, OFris. OS. kald, OHG. kalt, Ger. kalt] -Cpd.: morgen-.

céap, m., purchase, bargain; 2415; ds. (heardan) céape, 2482 (price). [chap(man), cheap; fr. Lat. caupo]

(ge-)céapian, w2., trade, purchase; pp. gecéapod, 3012. [Go. kaupón, ON. kaupa, OFris. kápia, OS. kópon, OHG. koufón, Ger. kaufen]

cearian, w2., care, be anxious; pres. 3 sg. cearað, 1536. [Go. karón, OS. OHG. karón]

cearig, adj., full of care, grieving, sorrowful; np. <cearge>, [3171]. see sorhcearig.

cear-sið**, m., expedition that brings sorrow (care); dp. -um, 2396.

cearu, f., care, sorrow, grief; 1303. -Cpds.: aldor-, gúð-, maél, mód-. [Go. kara, OS. OHG. kara (> Ger. Karfreitag, -woche) OFris.; cf. ON. kor 'sick-bed']

cear-wælm, -wylm, *, m. -i., (care-welling), seething of sorrow; np. -wylmas, 282; dp. -wælmum, 2065.

ceaster-búend**, m. -c., (pres. ptc.) [pl.], town-dweller, castle-dweller; dp. -um, 768. [Lat. castra]

cellod, [F. [29]], see [n. F.29].

cempa, wk.m., champion, warrior; 1312, 1551, 1585, 2078; vs. ~, 1761; ds. cempan, 1948, 2044, 2502; [np. ~, F. 14]; ap. ~, 206; dp. ~, 2505. [camp, cp. MnE. champion, fr. OFr. (fr. late Lat., campio)] -Cpd.: féþe-.

céne, adj. -ja., bold, brave, (keen); [dsm. (collect.) (or dpm.) cénum, F. 29]; gpm. cénra, 768; supl. apm. cénoste, 206. [Ger. kühn] -Cpds.: daéd-, gár-.

cennan, w1., declare, show; imp. sg. cen, 1219. [cunnan; Go. kannjan, ON. kenna; Ger. kennen]

cennan, w1., bring forth, bear (child); pret. 3 sg. cende, 943; pp. cenned, 12. [cp. cyn(n)]

cénðu**, f., boldness; as., 2696.

céol, m., ship; 1912; gs. -es, 1806; as. céol, 38, 238. [keel]

ceorl, m., man, fellow, bloke, chap (originally, freeman); (snotor) ~, 908; ds. (gomelum) -e, 2444, (ealdum) -e, 2972 (ref. to a king); np. (snotere) -as, 202, 416, 1591. [churl]

céosan, cíosan, II, choose, taste, try; cíosan, 2376; pret. opt. 3 sg. cure, 2818. [Go. kiusan, ON. kjósa, OFris. kiása, OS. OHG. kiosan]

ge-céosan, II, choose, obtain; imp. sg. gecéos, 1759; ger. gecéosenne, 1851; pret. 3 sg. gecéas, 1201, 2469, 2638; pp. apm. gecorone, 206.

clam(m), clom(m), m., clasp, grip, grasp; dp. clammum, 963, 1335, clommum 1502.

clif, n., cliff; ap. -u, 1911. -Cpds.: brim-, ecg-, holm-, stán-, weal-.

ge-cnáwan, redup., recognise; 2047. [know]

cniht-wesende(*), adj. (pres. ptc.), being a boy; as., 372; np., 535. (so 'OE Bede' 142.8, 188.1)

cnyht, m., boy; dp. -um, 1219. [knight]

cnyssan, w1., dash against, strike, smite, crash (together); pret. 3(1?) pl. cnysedan, 1328. [Go. knussjan]

cól, adj., cool; comp. np. -ran, 282, 2066.

collen-ferhð*, adj., bold of spirit, excited; 1806; collenferð, 2785.

con, const, see cunnan.

corðer*, n., troop, band, host; ds., corþre 1153, corðre 3121.

costian, w2., w/ gen., try, make trial of; pret. 3 sg. costode, 2084. [céosan; OHG. costón, Ger. kosten, Lat. gustare; cp. ON. kostr 'examination', OHG. cost 'choice']

ge-cranc, see ge-cringan.

cræft, m., (1) strength, power; 1283; ds. -e, 982, 1219, 2181 (ability), 2360; as. cræft, 418, 699, 2696. (2) skill, cunning, craft, device; as. 2221; ds. -e, 2219; dyrnum (-an) ~, 2168, 2290 (almost=adv. phase, 'secretly'); dp. -um, 2088. -Cpds.: gúð, leoðo-, mægen-, nearo-, wíg-.

cræftig, adj., strong, powerful; (crafty); 1466, 1962. -Cpds.: éacen-, lagu-, wíg-.

cringan*, III, fall (in battle), die; pret. 3 pl. (on wæle) crungon, 1113; opt. 1 sg. (on wæl) crunge, 635. [cringe (original causative derivative)]

ge-cringan(*), III, fall (in battle), die; pret. 3 sg. gecranc, 1209; gecrang, 1337, [F. 31]; gecrong, 1568, 2505.

cuma, wk.m., comer, visitor; 1806; np. cuman, 244 (?). -Cpds.: cwealm-, wil-.

cuman, IV, come; (the pret. freq. w/ inf. (predicative [as in 2914 f.] or final [as in 268]; used w/ adv. of motion: hér 244, 376, feorran 361, 430, 825, 1819, on weg, 1383, þonan 2359, from 2556, út 3106; w/ eft: 281, 1869; of morning, evening, etc.: 569, 731, 1077, 2103, 2124; 1235, 2303; 1136; 2646; 2058;) --inf., 244, 281, 1869; pres. 2 sg. cymest, 1382; 3 sg. cymeð, 2058; opt. 3 sg. cume, 23; 1 pl. cymen, 3106; pret. 1 sg. cwóm, 419, 2009, cóm 430; 3 sg. cwóm, 1162, 1235, 1338, 1774, 1888, 1973, 2073, 2124, 2188, 2303, 2404, 2555, 2669, 2914, cóm 569, 702, 710, 720, 825, 1077, 1133, 1279, 1506, 1600, 1623, 1644, 1800, 2103, 2359, 2944; 1 pl. cwómon, 268; 2 pl. ~, 239; 3 pl. ~, 324, cwóman, 650, cómon 1640; opt. 3 sg. cwóme 650, cómon 1640; opt. 3 sg. cwóme 731, cóme 1597; pp. cumen 376, 2646, np. (feorran) cumene 361, 1819. [Go. qiman, OS. cuman, OFris. koma, kuma, OHG. queman, coman, Ger. kommen; Toch.-A. kumnäs 'he comes', Toch.-B. shem 'he has come', Skt. gam- 'to go' (Turner 4025, 4027, 4028, 3955) > Hn. jáná, Nep. jánu 'to go'] -Cpds.: be-, ofer-.

cumbol*, n., banner, standard; gs. cumbles 2505.

cunnan, pret-pres., know; (1) w/ acc. or clause; pres 1 sg. can, 1180; 2 sg. const, 1377; 3 sg. can, 390, con 1739, 2062; 3 pl. cunnon, 162, 1355; opt. 2 sg. cunne, 2070; pret. 1 sg. cúðe, 372; 3 sg. ~, 359, 2012, 3067; 3 pl. cúðon, 119, 180, 418, 1233. (2) w/ inf.: know how to, be able to; pres. 3 sg. con, 1746; 3 pl. cunnon, 50; pret. 3 sg. cúþe, 90, 1445, 2372 (opt.?); 3 pl. cúþon, 182. [can, con; Go. kunnan, ON. OFris. kunna, OS. OHG. cunnan, Ger. kennen, können; cp. Lat. (co)gnóscere 'to be acquainted', Skt. jnánam 'knowledge']

cunnian, w2., w/ gen. or acc., try, make trial of, tempt,explore; 1426, 1444, 2045; pret. 3 sg. cunnode, 1500; 2 pl. cunnedon, 508.

cure, see céosan.

cúð, adj., known, well-known; 705, 2178; (undyrne) ~, 150, 440; (wíde) ~, 2135, 2933, [F. 25]; asf. cúþe, 1303, 1634; npm. ~, 867; npf. ~, 1145; apm. ~, 1912. [cunnan; Go. kunþs, OS. cúð, OFris. kúth, OHG. kund, Ger. kund] -Cpds.: un-, wíd-.

cúð-líce, adv., openly, familiarly; comp. -lícor, 244.

cwealm, m., death, killing; (quelling); as., 107, [3149]. [cwelan] -Cpds.: bealo-, déað-, gár-.

cwealm-bealu**, n. -wa., death-evil (-bale), death; as. 1940.

cwealm-cuma**, wk.m., murderous visitor; as. -cuman, 792.

cweccan, w1., shake, brandish; pret. 3 sg. cwehte, 235. [cp. quake, from cwacian 'to cause to quake']

cwellan, w1., kill; (quell); pret. 2 sg. cwealdest, 1334. [quell; cp. cwealn, cwalu; Ger. quälen] -Cpd.: á-.

cwén, f. -i., (1) wife (of a king); 62, 613, 923; as., 665. (2) queen, lady; ns., 623, 1153, 1932, 2016. [Go. qéns, ON. kván, kvaén, OS. quán] -Cpd.: folc-.

cwén-líc**, adj., queenly; ladylike; 1940.

cweðan, V, speak, say, quoth; (1) abs.; pres. 3 sg. cwið, 2041. (2) w/ acc.; pret. 3 sg. (word) cwæð, 315, similarly, 2246, 2662. (3) w/ subord. clause; (asyndetic:) pret. 3 sg. cwæð, 199, 1810, 2939; [cf. cweþ; F. 24]; (introduced by þæt:) ~, 92, 1894, 2158, 3 pl. cwaédon, 3180. [Go. qiþan, ON. kveða, OFris. quetha, OS. OHG. quethan; quoth; cp. be-queath] -Cpd.: á-.

ge-cweðan, V, say; pret. 2 sg. gecwaéde, 2664; 3 sg. gecwæð, 857, 874, 987; agree (cp. Go. ga-qiþan, ga-qiss): 1 pl. gewaédon, 535.

cwic(o), adj. -u., living alive; cwico, 3093; gsn. cwices 2314; asm. cwicne 792, 2785; npn. cwice, 98. [quick]

cwíðan, w1., w/ acc., bewail, lament, mourn for; 2112, 3171. [OS. quíðian; cf. Go. qainón, ON. kveina 'weep', ON. kvíða 'to be frightened', LG. quésen 'to moan, grumble', ]

cyme, m. -i., comimg; np., 257. [Go. qums, OFris. keme, OS. kumi ds.] -Cpd.: eft-.

cymen, see cuman.

cým-líce(*), adv., beautifully, splendidly, nobly; comp. -lícor, 38. [cp. OHG. kúmig 'infirm', Ger. kaum; ('weak'>'delicate', 'fine'); MnE. comely]

cyn(n), n. -ja., race, people, family; (kin); cyn, 461; gs. cynnes, 701, 712, 735, 883, 1058, 1729, 2008, 2234, 2354, 2813; ds. cynne, 107, 810, 914, 1725, 2885; as. cyn, 421, 1093, 1690; gp. cynna, 98. (note: manna cynne(s), 701, 712, 735, 810, 914, 1725, similarly, 1058) [kin; Go. kuni, ON. kyn, OFris. kenn, OS. OHG. kunni; L. genus, Gr. γενος, Skt. janas] --Cpds.: eormen-, feorh-, fífel-, frum-, gum-, mon-, wyrm-.

cyn(n), (adj. &) n. -ja., proper proceeding, etiquette, courtesy, custom; gp. cynna, 613. see cyn(n) above, ge-cynde; cp. cunnan.

ge-cynde, adj. -ja., innate, natural, inherited; nsn., 2197, 2696. [kind]

cyne-dóm, m., royal power; as., 2376. [cyn(n)]

cyning, m., king; 11, 619 (kyning), 863, 920, 1010, 1153, 1306, 1870, 1885, 1925, 2110, 2191, 2209, 2390, 2417, 2702, 2980, [F. 2]; (only once w/ gen.: Géata) ~, 2356, (Hiorogár) ~, 2158, (Hréðel) ~, 2430; gs. cyninges, 867, 1210, 2912, cyniges, 3121; ds. cyninge, 3093; as. cyning, 1851, 2396, kyning 3171. [cyn(n); Ger. König; cp. Lat. gens 'race', Ger. Kind 'child'] -Cpds.: beorn-, eorð-, folc-, gúð-, héah-, léod-, saé-, sóð-, þéod-, worold-, wuldur-; Frés-.

cyning-bald**, adj., 'royally brave', very brave, kingly bold; npm. -e, 1634.

kyning-wuldor**, n., the glory of kings (=cyninga wuldor), i.e., the most glorious of kings; god, deity; 665.

ge-cýpan(*), w1., buy; 2496. [céap]

ge-cyssan, w1., kiss; pret. 3 sg. gecyste, 1870.

cyst, f. (m.) -i., choice; the best (of its kind); w/ gen. pl. 802, 1232, 1559, 1697; as. ~, 673; good quality, excellence, dp. -um, 867, 923. [céosan, Go. kustus] --Cpds.: gum-, hilde-.

cýðan, w1., make known, show; 1940, 2695; imp. sg. cýð, 659; pp. gecýþed, 700, (well known:) 923, w/ dat., 262, 349. [cúð, Go. -kunþjan]

ge-cýðan, w1., make known, announce; 354; ger. gecýðanne, 257; pp. gecýðed, 1971, 2324.